Translation for "celaeno" to finnish
  • kelaino
Translation examples
Celaeno, one of the Harpies, whom Aeneas encountered at Strophades.
Kelaino, ennustustaitoinen harpyija, jonka Aineias kohtasi Strofadeilla.
Lycus and his brother Nycteus were the sons of either Chthonius, one of the Spartoi, or of the nymph Clonia and Hyrieus, the son of Poseidon and the Atlantid Alkyone, or of Poseidon and the Pleiad Celaeno.
Nykteus ja Lykos olivat joko spartti Khthonioksen tai nymfi Klonian ja Hyrieuksen tai Poseidonin ja plejadi Kelainon poikia.
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