Traduzione per "zur kooperation mit" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Es belohnte Kooperation mit Kooperation – und heimste dann den gemeinsamen Lohn ein.
It rewarded cooperation with cooperation—and then reaped the collective benefits.
»Aber Sie haben Kooperation
But you have cooperation.
Wir wollen Ihre Kooperation.
We want your cooperation.
Ist es wirklich Kooperation?
Is it really cooperation?
Das Schlüsselwort ist Kooperation.
Cooperation is the key.
Kooperation oder Verrat?
Cooperate or defect?
Dann also eine vereinbarte Kooperation.
Negotiated cooperation then.
Kooperation und Wettstreit.
Cooperation and competition.
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