Traduzione per "sobald sein" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Sobald ich konnte. Sobald mir die Sache klar war.
As soon as I could. As soon as it was clear to me.
Sobald Sie können.
As soon as you can.
Nicht auch,--sobald er will?
So soon as he but will it.
«Sobald wir können.»
“As soon as we can.”
Sobald es möglich ist.
As soon as possible.
Sobald ich hier fertig bin.
As soon as this is done.
»Sobald sie ankommen?«
‘As soon as they arrive?’
Aber sobald seine Berechnungen durchgeführt sind, handelt er.
But once his calculations are over, he acts.
Er wird darüber hinwegkommen, sobald sein Freund und die anderen aufgebrochen sind.
He will get over it, once his friend and the others are well away.
Sobald seine Entscheidung gefallen war, fühlte er sich stark und war belustigt.
Once his final decision was made, he felt strength, and was amused.
Sobald sein Anwalt eintraf, zog sich Mr. Storey in sein Büro zurück.
Once his lawyer got there Mr. Storey stayed in his office.
er hatte den Eindruck, als sei er eingeschlafen, sobald sein Kopf das Kissen berührt hatte.
he seemed to recall having fallen asleep once his head touched the pillow.
Es kam ihr wie eine instinktive Bewegung vor, aber sobald sein Arm dort war, schien es Ander nervös zu machen.
It felt like an instinctive motion, but once his arm was there, Ander seemed nervous about it.
redete Kevin sich trotzig ein, sobald sein Herz aufgehört hatte, wie verrückt zu hämmern.
Kevin told himself defiantly once his heart had stopped pounding.
Sobald sein Anführer weg war, rief Karim den Bogenschützen zu, sich zu ihm zurückzuziehen.
Once his leader had gone, Karim called the archers to fall back and form up on him.
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