Traduzione per "rast zu" a inglese
Rast zu
  • races to
  • racing to
Esempi di traduzione.
races to
Die Infektion raste, raste.
The infection was racing, racing.
Dann rasten sie weiter.
then they raced on.
Und das Einhorn raste.
And the unicorn raced.
Meine Gedanken rasten.
My mind was racing.
Ihre Gedanken rasten.
Her thoughts raced.
Tifflor raste weiter.
Tifflor raced onward.
Seine Gedanken rasten.
His thoughts raced.
Das Herz raste ihm.
His heart was racing.
Sie rasten ins Dorf hinein.
They raced into Arroyo.
Er raste zum Wohnwagen.
He raced across to the caravan.
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