Traduzione per "ramon war der" a inglese
Ramon war der
Esempi di traduzione.
ramon was that
Ramone arbeitete nur für einen, und das war Ramone.
Ramone •worked for only one person’s best interests and that person was Ramone.
»Mr. Ramone?«, sagte sie. »Ich bin Gus Ramone
'Mr Ramone?' she said. 'I'm Gus Ramone.'
Ramone antwortete nicht.
Ramone did not answer.
Ramone sagte nichts.
Ramone did not comment.
Für Ramone war es nur Regen.
To Ramone, it was only rain.
Ramone glaubte ihm.
Ramone believed him.
Ramone hatte keine solchen Vorbehalte.
Ramone had no such resentment.
Ich bin Detective Ramone.
'I'm Detective Ramone.
»Ich habe mit Ramone gesprochen.«
I talked to Ramone.
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