Traduzione per "ist in trance" a inglese
Ist in trance
Esempi di traduzione.
Sie war in Trance, und in Trance lügt man nicht.
She was in a trance, and in a trance no one lies.
Und vorher eine Trance.
And before that, a trance.
Das war kein Schlaf, das war eine Trance.
This was not sleep; it was a trance.
Dean war in Trance.
Dean was in a trance.
Eine ungeschickte Trance
A Blundering Trance.
Amory war in Trance.
Amory was in a trance.
Er schien in Trance zu sein.
He seemed to be in a trance.
Du fällst in Trance.
You go into a trance.
Sie war in tiefer Trance;
She was deep in trance;
Sie stand da wie in Trance.
She stood as if in a trance.
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