Traduzione per "guter form" a inglese
Guter form
Esempi di traduzione.
Aber das Gehirn war in guter Form.
But the brain was in good shape.
Du bist in sehr guter Form, Alex.
“You’re in very good shape, Alex,”
Gute Farben, gute Formen.
Good colours, good shapes.
In so guter Form braucht niemand zu sein.
Nobody needs to be in such good shape.
»Wie Sie sehn, ma'am, bin ich in sehr guter Form
As you see, ma'am, in very good shape.
Er sah nicht aus, als sei er in besonders guter Form.
He didn’t look in particularly good shape.
er schien in genauso guter Form zu sein wie Thomas.
he seemed to be in just as good shape as Thomas.
Sie sind für einen Mann dieses Alters in verdammt guter Form.
"You're in mighty good shape for a man that age.
«Verglichen mit Paccos Kopf ist er in höllisch guter Form
It's in a hell of a good shape compared with Pacco's head.
»Sie schmeicheln mir«, sagte er, »aber es ist wirklich so, ich bin in guter Form.
"You're very flattering," he said. "But as it happens, I am in good shape.
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