Traduzione per "der laienstand" a inglese
Der laienstand
Esempi di traduzione.
Für den Geistlichen gab es Klerus und Laienstand, für den Katholiken Katholiken und Nichtkatholiken, für den Neger Schwarze und Weiße, für den Häftling Gefangene und Menschen auf freiem Fuß und für den Kranken Kranke und Gesunde… So war er denn, ohne in seinem Leben auch nur einen [435] Gedanken daran verschwendet zu haben, Zivilist, Laie, Nichtkatholik, Nichtjude, Weißer, frei und gesund gewesen…
To the clergyman there were clergy and laity, to the Catholic there were Catholics and non-Catholics, to the negro there were blacks and whites, to the prisoner there were the imprisoned and the free, and to the sick man there were the sick and the well.... So, without thinking of it once in his lifetime, he had been a civilian, a layman, a non-Catholic, a Gentile, white, free, and well....
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