Traduzione per "der gewinner von sein" a inglese
Der gewinner von sein
  • the winner of being
  • the winner of his
Esempi di traduzione.
the winner of being
Campbell Awards (und vier waren dafür nominiert), ein mehrfacher Gewinner des Aurora Awards (die höchste SF-Auszeichnung in Kanada), zwei Hugo-Gewinner, zwei Autoren, die es in die Bestsellerliste der New York Times geschafft hatten, und einen, dessen Roman von der New York Times als »Bemerkenswertes Buch« gelistet worden war.
Campbell Award winners (and four nominees), a multiple Aurora Award winner (that being Canada’s highest SF award), two Hugo winners, two authors who have showed up on the New York Times Best Seller list, and one who has had his novel listed as a New York Times Notable Book.
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