Traduzione per "brüderle" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
An einem Arm von der Strebe hängend, schlug Rapier mit voller Kraft zu, und Jack begann bedrohlich hin und her zu schaukeln. Sein Arm rutschte ab, und nun hing er nur noch mit den Fingerspitzen an der Strebe, das Gesicht blutüberströmt. So war er Rapier schutzlos ausgeliefert. »Lebwohl, Bruderl« Rapier holte zum finalen Faustschlag aus, der Jack endgültig in den dunklen Turbinenschacht hinabbefördern sollte. 229 »Ja, Lebwohl...«, erwiderte Jack.
Jack watched as the body of his half-brother dropped into the shaft beneath him, falling with the rain of water toward the roar of the turbines. A brief crunching noise followed as the turbines chewed Rapiers body, before they resumed their regular droning and Jackhanging from the floor of the tray, exhausted, bleeding and soaked to the bonelooked up to see Carnivore peering into the well, and although Jack couldnt hear it, he could see that the bastard was clapping. Daddy!Lily ran into Jacks arms as he re-entered the observatory. Soaked and limping, his cracked nose leaking blood, he still managed to hold her tight. His happiness wasshortlived . While hed been fighting Rapier in the intake tower, Carnivores guards had been busy.
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