Traduzione per "als unauffällig" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Nein, unauffällig machen!
No, to make it inconspicuous.
Sie wollten unauffällig sein.
They wanted to be inconspicuous.
»Unauffällig, natürlich«, sagte er.»Wir wollen es möglichst unauffällig arrangieren.
Inconspicuously, of course,” he said. “We must arrange it as inconspicuously as possible.
Er war vollkommen unauffällig.
He was utterly inconspicuous.
»Der unauffällige Simpson.«
The inconspicuous Mr Simpson.
er blieb unauffällig inmitten der stauenden Menge und verschwand ebenso unauffällig wieder.
he remained inconspicuous in the crush of people and disappeared again just as inconspicuously.
»Ist ja mal vollkommen unauffällig
“This is nice and inconspicuous.”
»Aber du wolltest ja was Unauffälliges …«
“But you wanted inconspicuous…”
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