Traduzione per "ya espera" a inglese
Ya espera
Esempi di traduzione.
already wait
Ya esperé demasiado.
I've already waited too long.
- Ya esperé seis meses.
- I've already waited six months.
Ya esperé una maldita hora.
I've already waited a fucking hour.
La persona que represento ya esperó demasiado.
The person I represent has already waited far too long.
ya esperé dos horas por ti en tu apartamento, y antes de eso, fueron dos horas en el club.
I've already waited two hours for you at your apartment, and before that, it was two hours in the club.
—El taxi ya espera. Váyase a casa.
Cab already waiting. You go home.
La madre sabe que la niña no aparecerá antes de media hora, si las cosas se dan bien, sin embargo, ya espera ansiosa.
Mother knows that her child can show up in half an hour at the earliest, if circumstances are favorable; yet she already waits for Erika yearningly.
También se espera que:
It is also expected to:
- Las normas de conducta que se espera de los romaníes y los nómadas deberían ser las que se espera de la comunidad establecida.
Standards of behaviour expected of Gypsies/Travellers should be those expected of the settled community.
Además, se espera que ello:
In addition, it is expected that this will:
Y si no se espera que el relator para la información pública sea el portavoz tampoco está clara cuál es la función que se espera de él.
And, if the rapporteur for public information was not expected to be a spokesperson, it was not clear what that role was expected to be.
El mundo lo espera.
The world expects this.
Eso es lo que ésta espera de nosotros.
That is what they expect of us.
Se espera que:
It is expected that:
Se espera que la reunión sirva para:
The meeting is expected to:
Esto es lo que espera el mundo.
That is what the world is expecting.
Mientras espere lo que no se espera, lo que no se espera no llegará.
As long as he expects what he does not expect, what he does not expect will not come.
Espero que estés en casa, ¡es lo que espero!
I expect you to stay home, is what I expect!
Es lo que se espera de mí.
It is expected of me.
Es lo que se espera de ellos;
This is expected of them;
¿Por qué se espera esto?
Whence this expectation?
Así que no esperes demasiado. —No espero nada.
“So don’t expect too much.” “I don’t expect anything.
Espera que lo valga.
They expect it to be.
No espera que la gente diga la verdad. –¿Lo esperas tú?
"They don't expect people to tell the truth." "Do you expect it?"
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