Traduzione per "y fue que comenzaron" a inglese
Y fue que comenzaron
  • and it was that they started
  • and was they started
Esempi di traduzione.
and it was that they started
Comenzaron trabajo comunitario
Started community work
Personas que comenzaron el tratamiento
People starting treatment
Los experimentos comenzaron en 2013.
The experiments have started in 2013.
Comenzaron una pasantía
Started an internship
Comenzaron a recibir formación
Started training
Comenzaron un trabajo subvencionado
Started subsidized work
Los desplazamientos comenzaron en 1991.
These movements started in 1991.
Comenzaron obras públicas
Started public works
Comenzaron a construir fortificaciones.
They started building up fortifications.
Comenzaron a caminar.
They started walking.
comenzaron los susurros.
—the whispering started.
Comenzaron el descenso.
    They started down.
Comenzaron a estirarse;
They started to spread out.
Todos comenzaron a buscarlo.
Everybody started to look for it.
Comenzaron a gritarme.
They started shouting at me.
Y entonces comenzaron los gritos.
And then the screaming started.
Las sopranos comenzaron a entonar:
The sopranos started in:
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