Esempi di traduzione.
Pero volvimos a casa, y seguimos enfrentándonos igual que siempre a necesidades básicas.
But we returned home, and we still find ourselves struggling just as much as ever with fundamental needs.
A la noche siguiente huimos y volvimos a Babanusa.
The following night, we fled and returned to Babanusa.
En cuanto a la estructura y la naturaleza de los debates, volvimos a la mezcla normal de componentes políticos y técnicos que precisa la Conferencia de Desarme para el desempeño de sus actividades.
In terms of the structure and nature of the debates, we returned to the normal mix of political and technical components that the Conference on Disarmament needs to have in conducting its activities.
Tras discutir este plan, Ihab y yo, volvimos a la casa que habíamos utilizado con intención de dormir.
After discussing the plan, Ihab and I returned to the house that we had used for sleeping.
Cuando volvimos a encarrilar a Georgia por la vía legítima de la paz, la democracia y la transparencia, lo hicimos sabiendo que nuestro país no es una isla.
When we returned Georgia to its rightful path of peace, democracy and transparency, we did so in the knowledge that our country was not an island.
Volvimos una vez más al Consejo de Seguridad y le pedimos que aprobara inmediatamente una resolución para poner fin a la escalada y evitar que la región en su totalidad cayera en un enfrentamiento general.
We then returned to the Security Council once again and called upon it to adopt immediately a resolution to end the escalation and prevent the region as a whole from entering a comprehensive, all-out confrontation.
Tras separarnos de las fuerzas de la oposición chadianas, volvimos a nuestra base y recibí una prima.
We left the Chadian opposition forces and returned to our positions. I received a material reward.
Volvimos de Hong Kong.
We returned to Hong Kong.
Volvimos de las islas Bahamas.
Returned from the Bahama Islands.
Pero volvimos aterrorizados.
Instead, we returned to earth terrified.
Aunque, volvimos a base...
So, we returned to base...
Y volvimos a este lugar.
And we returned to this place.
Es por eso que volvimos.
That's why we returned.
- Volvimos a la ciudad.
We have returned to the city.
Volvimos a las 2 am.
We returned at 2 a.m.
Tal como viajamos volvimos
As we travel we return.
No volvimos al camerino.
We did not return to our dressing room.
Volvimos a los barracones.
We returned to the barracks.
Volvimos a la casa.
Then we returned to the house.
Con eso volvimos a nuestro silencio.
With this we returned to our silence.
Volvimos a la sala de estar.
We returned to the sitting-room.
Nosotros no volvimos a la «normalidad»;
We did not return to “normal”;
Volvimos a la residencia.
We returned to Acrady Cottage.
Volvimos a la sala.
We returned to the drawing-room.
Volvimos a nuestros asientos.
We returned to our seats.
Volvimos a La Ménandière.
We returned to La Ménandière.
Nosotros nunca volvimos.
We don’t go back there.
No volvimos a la cama.
We didn’t go back to bed.
Así que ¿por qué volvimos a por más?
So why did we go back for more?
—Pero ni siquiera entonces volvimos.
But we didn't go back, even so.
No volvimos al lago Kall.
We didn’t go back to Kall Lake.
esta vez sí volvimos al Vicus Longus.
this time we did go back to the Vicus Longus.
Cuando nos volvimos, Mr. Arthur Rance estaba ante nosotros.
When we turned to go back, we found Arthur Rance facing us.
Finalmente cargamos las últimas carpetas y volvimos a la morgue.
Finally, we loaded the last of the files to go back to the morgue.
—¿Y acaso no volvimos todos?
“Didn’t we all come back?”
Luego volvimos y dejamos el cadáver.
Then we come back and dump the corpse.
Fue después, cuando volvimos a Nueva Orleans.
It was after that, when we had come back to N.O.
Y, por supuesto, volvimos un par de fines de semana.
And, of course, we’ve come back for a couple of weekends.
Stephén Hackett y yo volvimos juntos y vivos.
Stephen Hackett and I had come back together and alive.
De modo que nos marchamos a Estados Unidos y no volvimos hasta 1976.
So we left for America and did not come back until 1976.
Las dos nos volvimos. Había sido Jake. Él y Marco, al ver que nos habíamos detenido, se acercaron.
We both turned. It was Jake. He and Marco had seen us stop and had come back.
Después de cavar en una o dos quebradas volvimos a la ciudad, pero sólo encontramos en ella el frío barro.
Come back to town after we’d checked a few creeks and found naught but cold mud .
Volvimos a estar juntos una semana después.
We did get back together a week later.
No volvimos a Hampden hasta las seis de la mañana.
'We didn't get back to Hampden until six in the morning.
Ayer por la noche pillamos enseguida y volvimos con bastante pasta.
Las night we cop right away and get back some heavy braid.
Era como ni novia. Volvimos a Bangkok, y me dijo que se quería casar conmigo.
She was like my girlfriend. Anyway, we get back to Bangkok, and she tells me she wants to marry me.
–Más o menos -dijo Sebastián invitando al chino a sentarse-. Después de mayo de 1921 no nos volvimos a ver. –¿Volviste plonto?
said Sebastian, motioning for the Chinaman to take a seat. "Since May 1921." "Did it take you long to get back in?"
No, no nos volvimos demonios, Paige
- No, we didn't turn into demons.
- Volvimos a revisar la demostración
- We turned up for the demonstration, didn't we?
Y nos volvimos excelentes personas.
We turned out great.
- Lo volvimos del revés.
- We turned him inside out.
Volvimos San Francisco una m...
And we just turned San Francisco into a...
Y mientras moríamos, nos volvimos crueles...
And as we died, we turned cruel...
Lo volvimos "Frankfurters".
We turned him into "Frankfurters".
y nos volvimos y seguimos las huellas.
And we turned and followed the tracks.
Nos volvimos monstruos
- We turned into monsters.
Nos volvimos uno por uno.
One by one, we turned.
Nos volvimos el uno al otro.
We turned toward each other.
Esto estaba… pero volvimos a encenderlo.
It was … but we turned it on again.
Pero luego nos volvimos el uno contra el otro.
But then we turned on each other.
Todos nos volvimos hacia ella.
We all turned to her.
Nos volvimos, sorprendidos.
We turned around, surprised.
Ambos nos volvimos.
Both of us turned around.
Nos volvimos hacia él.
As one we turned to look at him.
Todos nos volvimos a mirarla.
We all turned to look at her.
Tras unos minutos, nos volvimos.
A few minutes later we turned around.
Nos volvimos los tres. —¡Daos prisa!
We three turned around. “Hurry up!”
Y la señora Silsburn y yo nos volvimos de nuevo.
And Mrs. Silsburn and I turned around again.
Ambas nos volvimos al mismo tiempo.
We both turned around at the same time.
Megan me apretó más el brazo y nos volvimos.
Megan’s hand tightened on my arm, and we turned around.
Como una pareja que tiene mala conciencia, dimos un respingo y nos volvimos.
Like lovers with a bad conscience we jumped apart and turned around.
En ese momento, Ma gimió y todos nos volvimos y la miramos. —¡Martha!
Ma moaned just then, and everybody turned around and saw her. “Martha!”
no sólo abrimos cada libro, sino que volvimos las páginas de cada volumen.
we not only opened every book, but we turned over every leaf in each volume…
A veces se nos unían algunos de nuestros carros, de modo que no siempre estábamos solos, pero las cinco veces que luchamos de esta manera, las cinco veces volvimos a vernos rodeados por una masa de hombres y caballos, tan espesa, que el único bosque que se veía era de espadas, armaduras, hachas, caballos, manos y carros que volcaban.
Sometimes a few of our own chariots caught up so we were not always alone, but five times we fought like this, five times we drove into a mass of men and horses so thick the only forest you saw was swords, armor, axes, horses, limbs, and chariots turning over.
Nos volvimos simultáneamente y la miramos.
We turned round simultaneously and faced her.
—¡Pedazo de mierda! Todos nos volvimos.
‘You piece of shit!’ Everyone turned round.
Antes de perderla de vista, nos volvimos.
Before losing sight of Eva, we turned round.
Nos volvimos como dos colegiales sorprendidos con las manos en la masa.
We turned round like two schoolboys caught in the act.
Nos volvimos con un solo movimiento lanzando los tres una exclamación de horror.
We all turned round at once with an exclamation of horror.
Caminamos unos pasos, parpadeando, y después los dos nos volvimos instintivamente;
We walked a few paces, blinking our eyes, and then instinctively we both turned round;
Cuando nos volvimos, las llamas envolvían completamente las dos primeras plantas y ascendían hacia el torreón, donde manteníamos encerrado a Mijail.
When we turned round, the flames had completely enveloped the first two floors and were rising towards the tower where we kept Mijail locked up.
Nos unimos a ellas en el puente levadizo, y nos volvimos para admirar con ellas el hermoso panorama.
We joined them at the drawbridge, and turned about to admire with them the beautiful scene.
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