Traduzione per "vista de un ojo" a inglese
Vista de un ojo
Esempi di traduzione.
view of an eye
Y yo, que durante años había intentado mirar aquellas ninfeas, más bien kitsch y sobre todo deplorables, dejé que pasara por mi lado y de pronto comprendí, sin tener que analizar lo que hacía con sus ojos, con absoluta claridad comprendí que ella estaba viendo -ella era la mirada que aquellas ninfeas plasmaban- la mirada que las había visto desde siempre -ella era la exacta angulación, el punto de vista preciso, el ojo imposible -lo eran sus zapatos macizos, negros, lo era su dolencia, su paciencia, el horror de sus movimientos, las muletas de madera, el chal enfermedad, el estertor de piernas y brazos, la pena, la fuerza, y aquella irrepetible trayectoria babeada en el espacio -perdida para siempre cuando al final llegó, se detuvo, y sonrió.
And I, who for years had tried to look at those waterlilies, who had never succeeded in seeing anything but rather kitschy and, above all, deplorable waterlilies, let her pass by me and suddenly I understood, without even observing what she was doing with her eyes, with total clarity I understood that she was seeing—she was the gaze that those waterlilies were portraying— the gaze that had forever seen them—she was the exact angulation, the precise point of view, the impossible eye—her stumpy black shoes were it, her illness was it, her patience, the horror of her movements, the wooden crutches, the invalid’s shawl, the rattle of arms and legs, the pain, the force, and that singular drooled trajectory in space—lost forever when she reached the end, stopped, and smiled.
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