Traduzione per "vida y futuro" a inglese
Vida y futuro
Esempi di traduzione.
Para nosotros, los Estados insulares, el océano es fuente de vida, nuestro futuro depende principalmente del mar y para que nuestro desarrollo sea verdaderamente duradero necesitamos paz en los mares.
For us island States, the seas are a source of life. Our future depends mainly on them. And for our development to be truly lasting, we must have peace on the seas.
Aquello era el fin… de la vida, del futuro.
This was the end—of life, of future.
Quería recuperarlo todo: su corazón, su vida, su futuro. –Olvídalas – replicó con frialdad -.
He wanted it all back now. His heart, his life, their future. “Forget it,” he said coldly.
La tesis de Leandro era que a partir de cierto punto en la vida el futuro de un hombre está invariablemente en su pasado.
Leandro’s thesis was that after a particular point in a man’s life, his future is invariably in his past.
Al reconocer eso había sellado su destino y alterado para siempre el curso de su vida, su futuro. El futuro de Ari.
With that acknowledgment, Beau had sealed his fate and forever altered the course of his life—his future. Ari’s future.
No es justo que hayáis perdido a vuestra hijita y no es justo que mi hijo no tenga vida, ni futuro, ni esperanza, ni hogar, ni dinero.
It's not fair that you lost your little girl, it's not fair that my baby will have no life, no future, no hope, no home, no money.
Lejos, a tres kilómetros de ahí, el gran tranvía rojo se bamboleaba, silbaba, gemía, sonaba como la horrible bestia de mis sueños, y venía a llevarse mi vida, mi futuro, encaminándose a un pozo de alquitrán al final de la línea.
Far away, two miles off, the big red trolley bucketed along, whistling, wailing, sounding like the terrible beast in my dream, come to take my time, my life, my future away, heading for a tar pit at the end of the line.
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