Traduzione per "transcribimos" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Mucho de lo que interceptamos lo transcribimos aquí a mano, y luego lo enviamos a Bletchley Park en moto.
Much of what we intercept we transcribe here by hand, and then we send it on to Bletchley Park by motorbike.
Y cuando nosotros, los Astrónomos, preguntamos acerca de Misáianes, los bóreos nos respondieron esto que aquí transcribimos.
And when we, the Astronomers, asked about Misáianes, the Northmen replied in the way we have transcribed here.
Cómo recogimos todos los datos referidos a Stanton y los transcribimos en la UCLA en cintas de datos que alimenten la mónada, que sirve de cerebro al simulacro.
How we collected the entire body of data extant pertaining to Stanton and had it transcribed down at UCLA into instruction punch-tape to be fed to the ruling monad that serves the simulacrum as a brain.
Con el correo de la mañana le llega al Rey la siguiente misiva, que transcribimos textualmente, con todas las faltas de ortografía (porque Jazmín ha sido siempre bastante burro en la escuela).
Dandelion decides to send him a letter. Chapter 10 So, by first post next morning King Leander received the following note, which we transcribe word for word with all its spelling mistakes (for at school Dandelion had always been something of a dunce).
Su hermana cobraba una renta vitalicia de quinientos francos y monseñor Myriel recibía del Estado, como obispo, una asignación de quince mil francos. El día mismo en que se trasladó a vivir al hospital, el prelado determinó de una vez para siempre el empleo de esta suma, del modo que consta en la nota que transcribimos aquí, escrita de su puño y letra:
His sister was in receipt of a yearly income of five hundred francs, which sufficed for her personal wants at the vicarage. Myriel received from the State, in his quality of bishop, a salary of fifteen thousand francs. On the very day when he took up his abode in the hospital, M. Myriel settled on the disposition of this sum once for all, in the following manner. We transcribe here a note made by his own hand:—
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