Traduzione per "todo es que" a inglese
Todo es que
Esempi di traduzione.
everything is that
Entramos a un bar, y una de las cosas difíciles de ser mujer, además de todo, es que...
We walk into this bar and one of the difficult parts about being a woman, besides everything, is that...
El problema con insistir en controlarlo todo... es que cuando algo sale mal... Ia gente suele creer que todo formaba parte de tu plan.
- The downside to insisting on controlling everything... is that when something bad happens, people tend to think it was all part of your plan.
Lo peor de todo es que son todas ciertas.
The unfortunate part about it is that they're all true.
Lo extraño de todo es que no hay evidencia de hemorragia o sangrado alrededor de la zona.
What's strange about it is that there's no evidence of-of hemorrhage or bleeding around the area.
El peor: Lo peor de todo es que, yo ...
The worst- The worst part of it is that, I...
Que lo peor de todo, es que sea como Ud.
The worst of it is that he could become like you.
Lo peor de todo es que a veces es inesperadamente mortal.
The worst of it is that he's sometimes unexpectedly mortal.
Lo mejor de todo es que es aburrida.
The great thing about it is that it's boring.
Lo peor de todo es que el fingía... - ... estar dormido cuando eso sucedía.
The worst part of it is that he pretended to be asleep when it happened.
Sinceramente, la parte más triste de todo es que
To be honest, the saddest part about it is that
Lo peor de todo es que perdimos la confianza de Cha.
The worst of it is that we've lost CHA's faith.
Lo peor de todo es que su reputación va a sufrir mucho.
The worst thing about it is that your reputation's going to suffer
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