Traduzione per "tisú" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Para que se tenga una idea más clara: la comercialización en Cuba, por empresas intermediarias, del papel tisú de 31 gramos (material imprescindible para la restauración de documentos), llamado también papel japonés, está en los 498.77 dólares el rollo, mientras que si se adquiriese en los Estados Unidos, el precio sería de 280.00 dólares.
To give a clearer idea of the problem, 31-gram tissue paper, an indispensable material for document restoration also known as Japanese paper, is marketed in Cuba through intermediary companies at approximately $498.77 per roll, whereas if it were purchased in the United States, the price would be $280.
- ¿Puedes abrir la ventana? - No, el papel tisú se romperá.
- No, it would rip the tissue paper.
Aquí tiene un tisú.
Here's a tissue for you.
El papel tisú siempre lo delata.
Tissue paper is always the giveaway.
Prueba este tisú.
Try this tissue.
- ¿Quieres un tisú?
- You want a tissue?
- Tengo un tisú en algún lado.
- I have a tissue somewhere.
- ¿Tienes un tisú?
- Do you have a tissue?
Me da un papel tisú, por favor.
May I have a tissue, please?
Dame un tisú por favor.
Get me a tissue please.
- ¿Tienes un tisú aquí?
Do you have a tissue in here? Yeah.
Le entregué un papel tisú.
I handed him another tissue.
—Emily le trajo un tisú—. No me extraña.
Emily gave her a tissue. "No wonder."
las enaguas de tisú dorado a rayas;
her petticoat, of striped gold tissue;
Era de tisú de oro forrado de piel de marta.
It was of gold tissue lined with sable.
¿No tenía envolviéndole un manto de tisú de oro con estrellas bordadas?
Was not round him a cloak of gold tissue broidered with stars?
Guardaba el papel tisú de las cajas de zapatos nuevos.
She saved tissue paper from the boxes that new shoes came in.
Detrás de mí, Holiday rasgaba el tisú que envolvía la botella de champaña.
Behind me Holiday was tearing the tissue paper off the Jeroboam.
Al verlos mojados uno entendía por qué llamaban tisú a esos kleenex que flotaban en el aire.
It is when they are wet that you realize why they call Kleenex tissue, flowing by.
Antes de atravesar el rellano se metía papel tisú dentro del chichi.
Before she went across the landing she put tissue paper in the inside of her pussy.
—Lo siento, muchachos —dijo con una sonrisa desconsolada, secándose el rostro con un tisú—.
“Beaucoup regrets, guys,” she said with a rueful smile, mopping her face with a tissue.
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