Traduzione per "tirarles" a inglese
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Tendrían que tirarlo todo.
They would have to throw them out.
¿Por qué habría de tirarlos?
Why should he throw them away?
—Mi madre tuvo que tirarlas.
She had to throw them away.
¡No podemos tirarla!
“We can’t just throw them away!
No tenía intención de tirarlas.
I had no intention of throwing them away;
—¡No puedes tirarlos!
“You can’t just throw them away!”
No puedes tirarlos por la borda.
You can't just throw them overboard."
Los guantes, quizás, antes de tirarlos.
Maybe the rubber gloves, before throwing them away.
Debería tirarlas directamente al fuego.
I should just throw them in the fire.
Pero antes de tirarlos ha rebuscado en los bolsillos.
But before throwing them away, she went through the pockets.
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