Traduzione per "temporáneo" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
A principios de la pasada década muchos Estados comenzaron a legislar para liberalizar y flexibilizar el mercado de trabajo facilitando los despidos, el trabajo temporáneo, la flexibilización de la jornada de trabajo, privatizaron la seguridad social renunciando al principio de solidaridad y también dejaron sin efecto normas laborales específicas, por ejemplo algunas relativas al trabajo de las mujeres.
At the beginning of last decade, many States started to set up legislation to liberalize and render flexible the labour market facilitating lay-offs, temporary work, and flexibilization of the work shift. They privatized social security renouncing the privilege of solidarity and also nullified specific labour norms, for example some relating to women's work.
Ello se debe principalmente a la necesidad de mayores recursos para puestos (1.475.700 dólares, o sea un aumento del 12% en comparación con la consignación para 2008/2009), en vista del aumento de los costos estándar, la reclasificación que se propone hacer de un puesto de categoría P-5 a la categoría D-1 y la conversión en puestos de plantilla de tres puestos de personal temporáneo general.
This is due mainly to additional requirements for posts ($1,475,700, or 12 per cent, compared to the apportionment for 2008/09) in view of increased standard costs, the proposed reclassification of one post from the P-5 to the D-1 level and the proposed conversion to posts of three positions funded under general temporary assistance.
A menudo los gobiernos centrales se veían obligados a intervenir, pero las medidas que adoptaban eran solamente temporáneas y no ofrecían soluciones duraderas.
Central governments were often forced to intervene, but the measures they took were only temporary and did not afford lasting solutions.
Cabe señalar que las funciones de los cuatro puestos de Servicios Generales están siendo desempeñadas por personal contratado del Servicio Móvil con cargo a fondos para personal temporáneo general.
It should be noted that the functions of the four General Service posts are being performed by staff hired at the Field Service level using funds for general temporary assistance;
Es solo temporáneo, amor.
It's only temporary, honey.
Sé que todos están conscientes de esta demora temporánea.
I know you're all aware of this temporary setback.
Creo que lo que trato de decir es... que me di cuenta que esto es un lio... que eso solo una cosa temporanea.
I guess what I'm trying to say is... that I realized that this whole mess... that's just a temporary thing.
"Finalmente, luego de semanas de duda y muchas vacilaciones, ella se embarcó en un retiro temporáneo de todo lo que constituía la esencia de su vida. "
"Finally after weeks of self-doubt and much deliberation, she embarked on a temporary leave of absence from everything that formed the fabric of her life."
Nada dura tanto como lo temporáneo.
Nothing endures like the temporary.
..Adrian Tripod ha conseguido un arreglo temporaneo... ..para el y sus compañeros.
Adrian Tripod secures temporary accommodations for himself and his fellow subversives.
Cálmate. estoy seguro de que esto es sólo un incidente temporáneo.
Calm down. I'm sure all this is just temporary blip.
l’eclisse era sicuramente temporanea.
the eclipse was indeed temporary.
Come fa a sapere che è «temporanea»?
How does he know it's “temporary”?
Todo eran imperfecciones temporáneas, hechos apenas transitorios.
They were all temporary imperfections, and though imperfect were merely transient.
C’era già stato un lago temporaneo di acqua in ebollizione dopo l’ultima consegna...»
There was a temporary lake of boiling water there after the last delivery–
Ho anche notato che il televisore al plasma del salotto è un allestimento temporaneo.
I also noticed that the plasma television in the living room is a temporary setup.
Después de una breve búsqueda, encontraron un alojamiento temporáneo y Ronald se reunió con ellas en junio de 1913.
After a search they managed to find temporary rooms, and Ronald joined them there in June 1913.
E hanno detto inoltre che stanno prendendo in considerazione un passaggio temporaneo al controllo da Terra per procedere a un’analisi del programma.»
And that they were considering a temporary switchover to Earth control while they ran a program analysis.
El primer año tuvo que emprender largos viajes, enviado en misiones temporáneas a muchas de las ciudades principales entre El Cabo y Johannesburgo.
For the first year he had been obliged to travel extensively, for he was sent on temporary postings to many of the principal towns between the Cape and Johannesburg.
La più esterna, Giove XXVII, si muoveva all’indietro su un’orbita instabile, a trenta milioni di chilometri dal suo padrone temporaneo.
The outermost – Jupiter XXVII – moved backwards in an unstable path nineteen million miles from its temporary master.
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