Traduzione per "tan pronto seamos" a inglese
Tan pronto seamos
  • as soon as we are
Esempi di traduzione.
as soon as we are
El uso de esta sutil forma de guerra, con su resultado impredecible, no finalizará tan pronto como desearíamos.
The use of this subtle form of warfare, with its unpredictable course, may not come to an end as soon as we would like.
Con respecto al cargo de Relator, nuestro Grupo continúa consultando y tan pronto como tengamos resultados le informaremos.
With regard to the position of Rapporteur, our Group is still continuing consultations and will bring the outcome as soon as we have it.
Tan pronto como concluyamos con la parte de diálogo interactivo con el Embajador Rivas, procederemos a la introducción de proyectos de resolución.
As soon as we conclude the interactive dialogue with Ambassador Rivas, we will proceed to the introduction of draft resolutions.
Tan pronto como recibamos esas comunicaciones, pasaremos al proceso de elección de esas dos funcionarias.
As soon as we receive those communications, we will go through the process of electing those two officers.
Las consultas se reanudarán tan pronto como recibamos el informe complementario del Secretario General, que esperamos esté disponible este mes.
The consultations will resume as soon as we receive the supplementary report of the Secretary-General, which we hope will be available this month.
Ratificaremos otras convenciones a su debido tiempo, tan pronto estemos preparados para aplicarlas.
Other conventions will follow in due course, as soon as we are prepared to put them into practice.
Tan pronto como llegamos al Sudán nos encontramos con Mustafa Hamza.
As soon as we arrived in the Sudan, we met Mustafa Hamza.
Eso puede iniciarse hacia la mitad de la sesión del miércoles, tan pronto concluya el debate general.
This could begin on Wednesday, as soon as we complete the general debate.
Estamos a la espera de la respuesta del Ministro de Justicia, la que transmitiremos tan pronto como la recibamos.
We are awaiting the reply of the Minister of Justice, which we shall transmit as soon as we receive it.
Esperamos estar en posibilidad de quedar obligados por el Acuerdo tan pronto como observemos los avances en la participación de todos los Estados en la Convención.
We hope to be able to be bound by the Agreement as soon as we see progress towards the participation of all States in the Convention.
Tan pronto como sepamos que…
“As soon as we know—”
Tan pronto lleguemos.
As soon as we arrive.
Tan pronto como podamos.
As soon as we can.
Tan pronto como terminemos.
As soon as we get through.
Tan pronto como le apresemos.
As soon as we can catch him.
Tan pronto como recibamos la llamada.
As soon as we receive the call.
¿Tan pronto lleguemos a Marte?
As soon as we reach Mars?
Tan pronto como podamos, doctor.
As soon as we can, Doctor.
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