Traduzione per "sillas-sobre-la-cabeza" a inglese
  • chairs-on-the-head
Esempi di traduzione.
Entre otras cosas, informaba de que lo habían golpeado con una manguera y un bastón privado del sueño durante varios días y obligado a dormir sin colchón en el frío piso de concreto, a mantenerse de pie todo el día durante dos semanas, a llevar una silla sobre la cabeza todo el día durante una semana, y a tomar por la fuerza medicamentos contra la hipertensión y el insomnio, aunque no padecía de ninguna de esas enfermedades; además, lo habían colocado en una celda de aislamiento durante un mes, privado de contacto con su esposa y demás familiares, y amenazado de actos de agresión sexual y la detención de su esposa.
Mr. Al Alili, inter alia, reported that he had been beaten with a hosepipe and a baton, deprived of sleep for several days, forced to sleep without bedding in the cold on concrete floor, had to stand upright for the whole day for two weeks, forced to carry a chair on his head all day for one week, forcibly treated with medication against high blood pressure and insomnia, although he is not suffering from any of these diseases, placed in an isolation cell for one month, deprived of contact with his wife and his next-of-kin, and threatened with sexual assault and with the arrest of his wife.
Está sentada en una silla con la cabeza hacia atrás.
She’s sitting in a chair with her head thrown back.
—Se dejó caer sobre la silla a la cabeza de la mesa.
He threw himself down in the chair at the head of the table.
El hombre sentado en la silla inclinó la cabeza hacia delante.
The man in the chair bowed his head.
Lleva tejanos y está sentado en la silla, tiene la cabeza hundida entre las manos-.
He is wearing jeans, sitting on the chair with his head in his hands.
Seguía sentado en la silla, con la cabeza apoyada en la pared.
He was still sitting on the chair with his head lolling against the wall behind him.
Pero Nynaeve estaba sentada en una de las sillas, con la cabeza de Elayne hundida en el regazo.
But Nynaeve was seated in one of the two chairs, with Elayne’s head buried in her lap.
Sugar Beth había empezado a marearse y se sentó en una silla —Usa la cabeza.
She’d started to hyperventilate and sank down on the chair. “Use your head.
Cadell había vuelto a hundirse en la silla, con la cabeza echada hacia atrás.
Cadell had subsided into the chair again, his head thrown back.
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