Traduzione per "ser cauto" a inglese
Ser cauto
Esempi di traduzione.
Todos debemos ser cautos.
Everyone should be cautious.
- Debemos ser cautos.
We must be cautious.
Solamente quiero ser cauto.
I'm just... I'm being cautious.
Es bueno ser cauto.
It's good to be cautious.
Debes ser cauto.
You must be cautious.
Tienes que ser cauto.
You've to be cautious
Queríamos ser cautos.
- We were being cautious.
Debemos ser cautos, Majestad.
We must be cautious, Majesty.
Pero tenemos que ser cautos.
But weve got to be cautious.
Pero no era momento de ser cautos.
It was not a time to be cautious.
—¡No debemos ser cautos!
“We mustn't be cautious!”
Tuviste razón en ser cauta.
You were right to be cautious.
Todo me instaba a ser cauto.
Everything warned me to be cautious.
Tenía que ser cauto y observar.
He needed to be cautious and observant.
Pero dijo que era necesario ser cauto.
But he said that it was necessary to be cautious.
Pero aun así hemos de ser cautos… —¿Cautos?
‘But we still need to be cautious—’
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