Traduzione per "separada de la" a inglese
Separada de la
  • separated from the
Esempi di traduzione.
separated from the
La emulsión se ha separado de la base.
The emulsion has separated from the base.
Ahora nunca estaré separada de la persona que amo.
Now I'll never be separated from the one I love.
Estaba separado de la carne.
- He was separated from the meat.
Se han separado de la manada.
They've become separated from the herd.
Tu no estás separada de la habilidad.
You are not separate from the skill.
Está separado de la planta.
It's separate from the plant.
Esta separado de la amistad.
It's separate from the friendship.
Está separado de la congregación.
He holds himself separate from the congregation.
El tejido conectivo está separado de la grasa subcutánea.
Connective tissues separated from the subcutaneous fat.
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