Traduzione per "sentirse herido" a inglese
Sentirse herido
Esempi di traduzione.
Muchas entidades y personas han expresado interés en participar y algunas podrían sentirse heridas si se les deja de lado.
Many entities and individuals had expressed an interest in participating and some might feel hurt if they were passed over.
No estoy seguro de que Harry tenga derecho a sentirse herido.
I'm not sure Harry has a right to feel hurt.
Morgan trató de no sentirse herido y le sonrió.
       Morgan tried not to feel hurt. He smiled at her.
Griff se llevó la mano al pecho, fingiendo sentirse herido.
Griff covered his heart with his hand, pretending to have had his feelings hurt.
Aparte de sentirse herido por las palabras de Popov, a Misha Bobrov le quedó la amarga sensación de que se había abierto un abismo entre él y su hijo, de que había algo en Nicolái y su amigo que no entendía.
But, as well as feeling hurt by Popov’s words, Misha Bobrov was left with the sad and uncomfortable feeling that a gulf had opened between him and his son: that there was something about Nicolai and his friend that he did not understand.
Estaba convencida de que él le había contado de verdad un secreto que no conocía nadie más en Los Volcanes, que sentía de veras un deseo especial por ella, y que detrás de aquella sonrisa tenía que sentirse herido y avergonzado.
She believed that he really had told her a secret he’d told no one else at Los Volcanes—that he really had specially wanted her—and that, behind his smile, he had to be feeling hurt and ashamed.
Vic estaba muy callado, con la cabeza agachada, y por alguna razón Digger volvió a pensar en Mac, y en que era una tontería sentirse herido, de hecho, sentir nada distinto de lo que transmitía la música: paz y unidad.
Vic sat very silent with his head bowed, and Digger for some reason thought again of Mac, and again of how foolish it was of him to feel hurt, or to feel anything in fact but what the music spoke of – union and peace.
A Ellen le duele profundamente la negativa de Alice a hacerle ese sencillo favor, que en realidad es el primer paso para reinventarse a sí misma como pintora, lo que equivale a reinventarse a sí misma como mujer, como ser humano, y aunque comprende que Alice no tiene intención de hacerle daño, no puede evitar sentirse herida, y cuando le dice a su amiga que se marche de la habitación, cierra la puerta, se sienta en la cama y rompe a llorar.
Ellen is stung by Alice’s refusal to do this simple thing for her, which is in fact the first step in reinventing herself as an artist, which is no less than reinventing herself as a woman, a human being, and while she understands that Alice has no intention of hurting her, she can’t help feeling hurt, and when she asks Alice to leave the room, she closes the door, sits down on the bed, and starts to cry.
—Si fueras un hombre de tamaño normal, John, quizás tomara en cuenta tus insinuaciones burlonas, pero la verdad es que una mujer no puede sentirse herida por semejante pequeñez, ni aunque escupiera fuego y azufre… Aquí tienes —agregó, pasándole a uno de los hombres una rama-horquilla de la que colgaba una larga morcilla—, para que desayunes algo. Y si quieres té, deberás ir a buscarlo allá adentro.
"If you was a full-sized man, John, people might take notice of your scornful meanings. But your growing up was such a scrimped and scanty business that really a woman couldn't feel hurt if you were to spit fire and brimstone itself at her. Here," she added, holding out a spar-gad to one of the workmen, from which dangled a long black-pudding—"here's something for thy breakfast, and if you want tea you must fetch it from in-doors."
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