Traduzione per "se reúnen los" a inglese
Se reúnen los
  • meet the
Esempi di traduzione.
meet the
Los centros colaboradores se reúnen anualmente.
The collaborating centres meet annually.
Ambos comandantes se reúnen periódicamente.
Both commanders meet on a regular basis.
que se reúnen fuera de sus sedes permanentes
meet away from their established headquarters
Todos sus miembros se reúnen en una Asamblea.
All participants meet as the GEF Assembly.
órganos subsidiarios que se reúnen fuera de
that meet away from their established headquarters
Los padres se reúnen periódicamente en casa de unos y de otros.
Parents meet regularly in one another's homes.
Todos los participantes se reúnen como la Asamblea.
All participants meet as the Assembly.
Se reúnen por lo menos una vez al año.
They meet in Session (general assembly) at least once a year.
-¿Cuándo se reúnen?
“When do they meet?”
—Brandon..., se reúnen...
“Brandon—they meet—here,”
—¿Por qué se reúnen estos dos?
“Why are these two meeting?”
Con quiénes se reúnen.
Who they’re meeting with.
Se reúnen con él en el Sonic.
They meet him at Sonic.
Los fumadores se reúnen.
Smokers meet up here.
Se reúnen entre cañas de azúcar.
They meet in the sugar cane.
Se reúnen en el Monumento a Washington.
They meet by the Washington Monument.
Se reúnen arriba, en el Martin’s.
They meet upstairs at Martin’s.
Sólo se reúnen una vez al año.
They only meet once a year.
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