Traduzione per "se obligan" a inglese
Se obligan
Esempi di traduzione.
they force themselves
Con esto se obligan a vivir el presente, el momento, y aunque quizá estén cantando sobre héroes y hazañas de un pasado lejano o de unas profecías aún por cumplirse, en la canción viven el momento, el presente, asiendo un instante de gozo o de reflexión y aferrándose a él con tanto afán como cualquier humano.
With this, they force themselves into the present, into the moment, and though they may be singing of heroes and deeds long past or of prophecies yet to come, they are, in their song, in the moment, in the present, grasping an instant of joy or reflection and holding it as tightly as any human might. A human may set out to make a "great life,"
they are forced
También a veces las obligan a tener relaciones sexuales.
Girls may also be forced to provide sexual services.
Todos estos factores obligan a millones de personas a huir de sus países.
All these factors force millions to flee their countries.
Estas crisis obligan también a una transformación de esta Organización.
These crises are forcing a transformation of this Organization as well.
Me obligan con amenazas
They use threats to force me
Circunstancias excepcionales me obligan a dirigirle esta carta.
Exceptional circumstances force me to address this letter to you.
Todos esos hechos nos obligan a cambiar nuestra actitud.
All these facts force us to change our attitude.
Esas intrusiones obligan a menudo a los indígenas a abandonar sus territorios.
Such encroachments often force indigenous peoples out of their territories.
–Nos obligan a definirnos, Ed.
"They're forcing us to commit, Ed.
Te obligan a matar en tu interior.
They force you to kill, within yourself.
Ellos le obligan a luchar por sus sueños.
They force him to fight for his dreams.
¿Te obligan a vestirte así? —No —respondí.
Are you forced to wear it?” “No,”
Los costes de mantenimiento obligan a cerrarlo.
Maintenance Expenses Force Shutdown
Mis oponentes han sido listos y me obligan a esto.
My opponents have been clever and forced me into this.
Me obligan a testificar, pero no es más que un truco.
Forcing me to testify is nothing more than a stunt.
—Nina, querida, no los obligan a pelear.
“Nina, sweet, they aren’t forced to fight.
—Nos obligan a venderla —dijo Cilla.
Forcing us to sell,” Cilla said.
Cuando nos obligan a estar juntos, empeoramos.
Forcing us together like that just made us worse.
Además, los Estados parte se obligan a:
In addition, States parties undertake to do the following:
Los cónyuges se obligan mutuamente a hacer vida en común.
The spouses undertake to live together maritally.
Asimismo, los Estados Partes se obligan a establecer penas para esos delitos acordes con su gravedad.
States Parties shall also undertake to establish penalties for such offences in accordance with their gravity.
Los cónyuges se obligan mutuamente por el hecho del matrimonio a alimentar y educar a sus hijos.
Spouses shall mutually undertake, by the fact of their marriage, to feed and educate their children.
Tampoco obligan a un gobierno a realizar un determinado tipo de consulta en relación con las iniciativas legislativas.
Nor do they require a Government to undertake a particular form of consultation in relation to legislative initiatives.
Los Estados Partes se obligan a prever:
Member States undertake to provide for:
"Los Estados Partes se obligan a negociar de buena fe medidas para eliminar la pobreza, el hambre..."
"States Parties undertake to negotiate in good faith measures towards the elimination of poverty, hunger ... ."
6. Los Estados Miembros se obligan a prever:
6. Member States undertake to provide for:
Según el artículo 2, los Estados Contratantes se obligan a establecer para el delito penas severas.
Under article 2, each Contracting State further undertakes to make the offence punishable by severe penalties.
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