Traduzione per "satisfecho con las condiciones" a inglese
Satisfecho con las condiciones
  • satisfied with the conditions
Esempi di traduzione.
satisfied with the conditions
Por lo que respecta a la vulneración de la libertad de prensa y las amenazas a periodistas, la delegación del Yemen podría citar igualmente ejemplos de periodistas satisfechos con las condiciones en que ejercen su profesión.
In respect of offences against the freedom of the press and threats made against journalists, the Yemeni delegation could also provide examples of journalists who were entirely satisfied with the conditions in which they worked.
Jane Austen compartía las opiniones comunes de su época y, en la medida en que se puede deducir de sus libros y cartas, estaba satisfecha con las condiciones reinantes.
Jane Austen shared the opinions common in her day and, so far as one can tell from her books and letters, was satisfied with the conditions that prevailed.
Un día en que sus discípulos estaban cerca de él, Tito le dijo: ‘Tú curas todas las enfermedades, ¿por qué no haces que Petronila se levante de su lecho?’ Y Pedro le contestó: ‘Porque estoy satisfecho con su condición.’ Esto no significaba que no tuviera el poder de curarla, porque inmediatamente le dijo: ‘Levántate Petronila y apresúrate a servirnos.’ La muchacha, curada, se levantó y vino a servirlos.
Now one day when his disciples were by him, Titus said to him: ‘You who cure all maladies, why do you not fix it so that Petronilla can get up from her bed?’ And Peter replied to him: ‘Because I am satisfied with her condition as it is.’ This was by no means as much as to say he had not the power to cure her; for, immediately, he said to her: ‘Get up, Petronilla, and make haste to wait on us.’ The young girl, cured, got up and came to serve them.
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