Traduzione per "recorrido medio" a inglese
Recorrido medio
Esempi di traduzione.
Isabelle ya había recorrido media calle.
Isabelle was halfway down the street now.
Para entonces, ya había recorrido medio pasillo.
By then, he was already halfway down the hall.
Cómodo ya había recorrido medio circuito.
Commodus was now halfway around the track.
Esperé a que hubiera recorrido media calle.
I waited until he was halfway toward home.
Por la noche ya me había recorrido media ciudad.
By nighttime I had walked halfway across town.
Cuando habíamos recorrido media manzana, Friedman se detuvo.
Halfway down the block Friedman stopped.
—Ya hemos recorrido media península —le dije—.
“We’re halfway down the peninsula already,” I said to him.
Si uno tiene un Plan, ya ha recorrido medio camino.
If you had a Plan, you were halfway there.
Vanya había recorrido medio camino cuando Esther lo vio.
Vanya was halfway there before Esther saw.
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