Traduzione per "queso y leche" a inglese
Queso y leche
  • cheese and milk
Esempi di traduzione.
cheese and milk
Frederick lideró la producción de queso y leche.
While Frederick once again led in cheese and milk production.
No sé cuanto esperare por queso y leche.
I don't know how long i'm gonna wait for the cheese and milk.
¿Quieres queso y leche?
You want some cheese and milk?
—Te traigo pan, queso y leche —dijo—.
"I bring you bread and cheese and milk," he said.
Había tajadas de jamón, un trozo de queso, y leche en el pequeño refrigerador de la kitchnette.
There were sliced ham and cheese and milk in the little refrigerator in the kitchenette.
Recibo del gobierno queso gratis, leche en polvo, miel y mantequilla. Me buscan trabajo.
Free government cheese, powdered milk, honey, and butter. Free job placement.
Era una mujer muy amable, así que me dio queso y leche en abundancia, a cambio de mi dinero.
But she was a kindly soul, and for the money I gave her fed me copiously on cheese and milk.
las setas, el ajo, el clavo, las olivas… Cerraba los ojos y soñaba con queso, huevos, leche y mantequilla.
mushrooms and garlic, cloves and olives. He would close his eyes and dream of cheese, eggs, milk and butter.
Más tarde volvió a la rectoría con las sábanas y algunas provisiones, entre ellas pan, mantequilla en un plato de piedra, té, azúcar, queso y leche fresca de una de las tres vacas que suministraban al pueblo.
Colin returned to the rectory with the linen and some stores that included bread, butter in a stone dish, tea, sugar, cheese, and milk fresh from one of the three cows that supplied the town.
Reconoció al instante al niño que compraba queso y leche, moviendo la cabeza en silencio al oír un precio exorbitante y accediendo a pagar solo después de que le ofrecieron uno aceptable.
He recognized at once the little boy buying cheese and milk, wordlessly shaking his head at some exorbitant demand and consenting to pay only after receiving an acceptable price.
Sencillamente tenía hambre e iba a buscar algo de queso y leche, y cuando me di la vuelta atrapado en ese ruido caótico, su silueta ya estaba en lo alto de las escaleras con algo, no estoy seguro de qué, en la mano.
I’d simply been hungry then for some cheese and milk, and as I turned back captured within that chaotic noise, there was her figure already at the top of the stairs with something, I am not sure what, in her hand.
Pasaba un ferry, y Brunetti contempló los camiones que transportaba, sin que le extrañase ni lo más mínimo que camiones cargados de verduras congeladas, agua mineral y hasta queso y leche, tuvieran que hacer su ruta de reparto a bordo de un ferry.
A ferry was passing and he studied the trucks on board, not finding it unusual for a moment that trucks filled with frozen vegetables or mineral water or, for that matter, cheese and milk, were constrained to take a ferryboat in the middle of their delivery route.
—Entiendo —dijo—. Vamos a comer los tres juntos. Nos llevó otra vez a la tienda de ultramarinos, en donde compramos salchicha ahumada, galletas saladas, queso y leche, e hicimos un bonito picnic en el mismo parque.
“Let’s all go have lunch.” He took us back to the grocery store, where we bought bologna and crackers and cheese and milk and had us a right fine picnic in that same park.
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