Traduzione per "que tiritaban" a inglese
Que tiritaban
Esempi di traduzione.
Las mujeres tiritaban, con una feliz incomodidad.
The women shivered with happy discomfort.
Parece que los dos de esta noche tiritaban.
The two last night kept shivering, they say.
Hroar y Helgi tiritaban hambrientos en la espesura.
Hroar and Helgi shivered hungry in a thicket.
Los presos tiritaban de frío y fiebre a un tiempo.
The prisoners shivered with cold and fever at the same time.
Con todo, y a pesar del contacto del frío metal contra sus cuerpos, no tiritaban.
Yet despite the presence of cold metal against their bodies they did not shiver.
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