Traduzione per "que se aproximaba" a inglese
Que se aproximaba
  • that was approaching
  • it is approaching
Esempi di traduzione.
that was approaching
En tanto se aproximaba lentamente a la mediana de esa calle, la muchedumbre empezó a gritar consignas.
As it slowly approached the central divider on Liaquat Road, the crowd began chanting slogans.
El UNICEF se aproximaba a la revisión cuadrienal amplia de la política de una manera similar.
133. UNICEF was approaching the quadrennial comprehensive policy review in a similar way.
La tendencia continuaba en 2001, ya que a fines de abril el número de incidentes denunciados se aproximaba a 100.
The trend was continuing in 2001: as at the end of April, the number of reported incidents had approached 100.
Un soldado recuerda haber presenciado la detonación de una explosión poderosa dentro de una casa cuando una topadora se aproximaba al lugar.
One soldier recounts witnessing the detonation of a powerful explosion inside a house as a bulldozer approached it.
La urgencia de tratar el tema del Iraq obedecía a que se aproximaba la fecha de la transferencia de la soberanía al Iraq (30 de junio).
The urgency of discussing Iraq was dictated by the approaching date for the transfer of sovereignty to Iraq (30 June).
No obstante, al descubrir que se aproximaba una patrulla iraquí, el grupo regresó hacia el interior del territorio del Irán.
When the armed Iranians saw an Iraqi patrol approaching in their direction, they withdrew further into Iranian territory.
Además de la esclavitud, los organismos de las Naciones Unidas han tenido conocimiento durante muchos meses de que se aproximaba una hambruna a Bahr El Ghazal.
Aside from slavery, the United Nations agencies have been aware for many months that a famine was approaching in Bahr El Ghazal.
Según los informes, los atacantes abrieron fuego contra un vehículo israelí que se aproximaba a la intersección de Zif.
According to reports, the gunmen opened fire at an Israeli vehicle as it approached the Zif Junction.
A medida que la proporción del territorio se aproximaba a 51: 49, estos mapas se elaboraban con mayor frecuencia.
These maps were generated with greater frequency as the territorial division of the country approached 51:49.
Una conmoción se aproximaba.
There was an approaching commotion.
Un jinete se aproximaba.
A rider was approaching.
Elizabeth se aproximaba.
Elizabeth was approaching.
Un guerrero se aproximaba.
A warrior was approaching.
¡Alguien se aproximaba!
Someone was approaching!
El enemigo se aproximaba.
The enemy approached.
Un bote se aproximaba.
A dinghy was approaching.
Se aproximaba el momento.
The moment approached.
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