Traduzione per "que criaron" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Y los extraños y poco convencionales abuelos que criaron a William luego del asesinato-suicido de sus padres:
And the curious and rather offbeat grandparents... who raised William after the tragic murder-suicide of his parents -
Bueno, obviamente lo que esto prueba es que somos unos padres que criaron a un jovencito independiente y seguro de sí mismo que piensa por sí mismo y confía en sus propios instintos.
Well, obviously what this proves is that we're parents who raised a confident and independent young man who thinks for himself and trusts his own instincts.
Es un personaje mítico adorado por los monjes que criaron a mi hermano.
A mythical figure worshipped by the monks who raised my brother.
Muchas mujeres criaron a esos hijos en un medio hostil a su situación.
Many women went on to raise those children in an environment hostile to their situation.
Se criaron dos especies de lombrices en un suelo arenoso natural (KOBG) y un suelo normal artificial OCDE.
Two earthworm species were raised on a natural sandy soil (KOBG) and an artificial OECD standard soil.
Varios Estados siguen negándose a concederles el derecho a regresar y a residir en su territorio, incluso cuando es evidente que las generaciones anteriores nacieron y se criaron en esos países.
A number of States continue to refuse to allow stateless persons to return and reside on their territory, even when it is clear that previous generations were born and raised in these countries.
Los tres nacieron y se criaron en los Países Bajos y no tienen lazos con Cabo Verde.
The three children were born and raised in the Netherlands and they do not have any connection with Cape Verde.
Ellos piensan que criaron a una niña educada de la orquesta.
They just think they raised the proper little band girl.
Ésta es la casa en la que criaron a Billy.
This is the house where they raised Billy.
Me criaron para esto…
I was raised for this—
—No, pero me criaron entre muchos.
“No, but I was raised by many people.”
No te criaron como uno de nosotros.
You were not raised as one of us.
Me criaron como mormón.
I was raised as a Mormon.
La criaron las monjas.
She was raised by the nuns.
Mis tíos me criaron.
Relatives raised me.
La criaron los lobos.
She was raised by wolves.
Las hermanas me criaron.
The Sisters raised me.
Me criaron como católica.
I was raised Roman Catholic.
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