Traduzione per "que considera que es" a inglese
Que considera que es
Esempi di traduzione.
La Federación considera que:
IFSW believes that:
La CCAAP considera que esta propuesta:
ACABQ believes that this proposal:
Entre los habitantes de las zonas rurales que no padecen pobreza monetaria, solo el 0,5% se considera efectivamente no pobre; el 13,8% se considera ni pobre ni no pobre; el 26,3% se considera pobre en potencia; y el 11,4% se considera muy pobre.
Among those categorized as non-monetary rural poor, barely 0.5 per cent actually believe that they are non-poor; 13.8 per cent believe that they are neither poor nor non-poor; 26.3 per cent believe that they are potentially poor; and 11.4 per cent believe that they are very poor.
Considero que es una opinión acertada.
I believe this is a correct view.
A ese respecto, el Grupo de los Estados Árabes considera necesario lo siguiente:
It believes that:
Yo considero que no.
I believe not.
i) Si se considera que los responsables son agentes estatales, sírvase especificar e indicar quiénes son y por qué se les considera responsables.
(i) If the perpetrators are believed to be State agents, please specify and indicate who and why they are believed to be responsible.
Considero que cometes un error.
I believe it is a mistake.
La policía lo considera así.
The police believe as much.
Sí, considero que sería lo mejor.
Yes, I believe that would be best.
Considero eso difícil de creer.
      "I find that hard to believe.
Como banquero considero que esto está mal.
As a banker I believe this to be wrong.
Considero que Olive es inocente.
I believe Olive is innocent.
—Mi creador consideró esa posibilidad, sí.
“My creator believed this was a possibility, yes.”
Y me considero autorizado para hablar.
I believe myself authorized to speak.
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