Traduzione per "punta de bayoneta" a inglese
Punta de bayoneta
Esempi di traduzione.
A menudo expresaba sus deseos de llevar la libertad al mundo a punto de bayoneta.
He often talked of carrying freedom across the world on the point of his bayonet.
El acuse de recibo por esta tolerancia fue agradecido por Franco el 18 de julio a punta de bayoneta.
The receipt for this tolerance was handed to them by General Franco on July 18th, on the point of a bayonet.
Parece ser que los franceses quieren persuadir a otras naciones para que adopten sus ideas revolucionarias… a punta de bayoneta.
The French seem to want to persuade other nations to adopt their revolutionary ideas – at the point of a bayonet.
Sin embargo, la lluvia impedía al enemigo usar sus fusiles y fueron empujados a través del vado a punta de bayoneta;
However, the rain prevented the enemy from using their rifle-guns and they were pushed across the ford by threat of bayonet;
—Augustin miró ambos rostros como si le llevaran lentamente contra una pared de piedra, empujándole a punta de bayoneta.
Augustin regarded those two faces as though they were driving 1dm back against a stone wall, slowly, with the prods of bayonets.
La victoria del zar sobre el general francés que pretendía propagar la Ilustración a punta de bayoneta había sentado un precedente heroico y patriótico.
The Tsar’s victory against the French general who sought to extend the Enlightenment through the bayonet was seen as a heroic and patriotic precedent.
—Les dispararán una descarga cerrada —Lovell había dado ánimos a McCobb la noche anterior—, y después los rechazan a punta de bayoneta.
“You’ll give them a volley,” Lovell had encouraged McCobb the night before, “then drive them away at the point of bayonets.
En una habitación el panel de madera que forraba la pared había sido arrancado a punta de bayoneta y astillado en miles de fragmentos que ahora eran tan solo ceniza en un amplio hogar.
In one room the linenfold paneling had been prised from the plaster walls by bayonets and splintered into so much matchwood that was now just ash in a wide grate.
En la tienda del zar, estrujando el papel y haciendo esfuerzos por descifrar lo que pone, leo que el gran duque Sergio ha hallado la muerte a punta de bayoneta.
As I stand in the tsar’s tent, clutching the paper and straining to make out the words, I read how the Grand Duke Sergei met his death at the other end of a bayonet.
La lona que cubría su parte trasera se abrió y dos guardias armados indicaron a los pasajeros, cegados por la luz tras el largo viaje en penumbra, que se apeasen a punta de bayoneta.
The back canvas parted and two armed guards waved the passengers out at the point of a bayonet, their eyes flinching at daylight after the long, dark ride.
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