Traduzione per "propio arte" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
¿Por qué quemarían su propio arte?
Why would they burn down their own art?
Todos los demás países tienen su propio arte, su propia música, su propio teatro, su propio drama, sus propios bailes, su propio folklore, y esto les importa, y están orgullosos de eso,
You know, every other country has their own art, their own music, their own theater, their own drama, their folk dances, folk songs, folklore, and it means something to them, and they're proud of it,
Por eso me mudé a Goa, para perseguir mi propio arte.
So I moved to Goa, to pursue my own art.
La emoción de hacer algo que no debes hacer... junto con las consecuencias que enfrentarás si te atrapan... son tan fuertes que suelen alejar a otros de su propio arte.
the excitement of doing something that you shouldn't be doing, along with the consequences if you're caught doing it, are so strong that it often pulls others away from their own art.
Edvard Munch se da cuenta de que ha hecho un importante avance... en términos de su propio arte.
Edvard Munch is aware that he has made a major breakthrough in terms of his own art.
Lo que tu necesitas es tu propia arte.
What you need is your own art.
Poseer y controlar su propio arte.
Own and control their own art. This.
A partir de ahora haré mi propio arte.
From now on, I'm making my own art.
Un artista que odia su propio arte.
Artist who hates his own art.
El jasidismo creó su propio arte de lectura de la escritura sagrada.
Hasidim had developed their own art of reading scripture.
Las raucas brutalidades que satiriza infectan su propio arte.
The raucous brutalities which he satirizes infect his own art.
Me mira con un gesto de admiración que sospecho que es fruto del orgullo que siente hacia su propio arte.
He gives me an admiring look that I suspect is pride in his own art.
Su propio arte le parecía trivial, provinciano y lejano, y se sintió como un palurdo y un ignorante.
His own art seemed small and provincial and far away, and he felt he was a lout and an ignoramus.
La falsedad, en definitiva, posee su propio arte, pero la que asumo es una empresa que me exigirá renunciar a tales habilidades.
Mendacity, after all, possesses its own art, but this is a venture that will ask me to forsake such skills.
percibía en él una prevención y una advertencia al mismo tiempo: al estar muy distanciado de su propio arte, iluminaba simultáneamente para él los peligros del camino.
I perceived in it both a forestalling and a forewarn-ing: having far outdistanced my own art, it simultaneously illuminated for it the dangers of the way.
—Vaya —comentó él con laconismo cuando dejó de admirar su propio arte, se volvió y la vio desnuda sobre las sábanas sucias.
“Hey,” he said laconically when he turned round from appreciating his own art and saw her lying naked on his grubby sheets.
Su propio arte, aunque pocos lo llamarían así, también ocupaba la mayor parte de su vida. – ¿Qué pintas? – Sobre todo retratos. – ¿De quién?
His own art, though few would call it that, took most of his life as well. “What do you paint?” “Portraits mostly.” “Who are they?”
El valor real está en el propio arte.
But the real reward is in the art itself.
Sin embargo, su propio arte desplazó y reemplazó la historia de su vida.
Her art itself, however, both displaced and replaced her life story.
Cual epifanía creada por el ojo, reúne a los muchos en una visión efímera del uno, como el propio arte.
As an epiphany, eye-created, he binds up the many into a transient vision of the one, like art itself.
Comprendí que estaba ante alguien cuya simple personalidad era tan fascinante que, si me abandonaba a ella, absorbería mi naturaleza entera, mi alma y hasta mi propio arte.
I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself.
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