Traduzione per "posteriormente son" a inglese
Posteriormente son
Esempi di traduzione.
subsequently they are
Posteriormente fue desactivado.
It was subsequently defused.
Posteriormente fue expulsado.
He was subsequently dismissed.
Fue posteriormente liberada.
She was subsequently released.
Posteriormente fueron perdonados.
They were subsequently pardoned.
Posteriormente fue liberado.
He was subsequently released.
Posteriormente fue encarcelado.
He was subsequently detained.
Posteriormente, fue repatriado;
The individual was subsequently repatriated;
—¿Fue posteriormente identificado?
“Was he subsequently identified?”
Posteriormente él la abandonó.
Subsequently he deserted her.
Posteriormente, combatieron en Colchester.
They subsequently fought at Colchester.
posteriormente en Pasiones pasadas.
subsequently, in Pasiones pasadas)
posteriormente en Tiempos ridículos.
subsequently, in Tiempos ridículos)
Los lázaros fueron destruidos posteriormente.
The lazar were subsequently destroyed.
posteriormente en A veces un caballero.
subsequently, in A veces un caballero)
Posteriormente fue puesta en libertad.
She was later released;
Posteriormente fueron puestos en libertad.
They were later released.
Se publicarán posteriormente.
To be issued at a later stage.
Posteriormente fue dejado en libertad.
He was later released.
Una de ellas fue retirada posteriormente.
One of the requests was later withdrawn.
La apelación fue posteriormente rechazada.
The appeal was later dismissed.
—No, posteriormente no —digo yo—. No, posteriormente ya no se puede.
“No, not later,” I say. “Not later they can’t.”
Posteriormente se divorciaron.
They were later divorced.
Posteriormente ella me lo confesó.
Later she confessed it to me.
Posteriormente eso sería reconocido.
Later he would be honored as such.
para posteriormente reivindicarla.
to get the credit himself later.
—¿Cuando ingresaron al herido o posteriormente?
“At the time of admission or later?”
Pero ya discutiremos esta posición posteriormente.
That position will be discussed later.
Posteriormente se lo consideró veneno.
It was later considered poison.
Posteriormente, el sexo la vulgarizaría.
The Amazon was later vulgarized by sex.
Oyó los detalles posteriormente.
He heard the details later.
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