Traduzione per "pintura de aceite" a inglese
Pintura de aceite
Esempi di traduzione.
- el comedor y cocina deberán estar pintadas con colores pastel, utilizando pintura de aceite deslizante y zócalos de 50 cm para evitar la presencia de roedores, insectos y a la vez facilitar la limpieza.
- The dining room and kitchen shall be painted in pastel colours, using washable oil paint and with skirting boards of 50 cm to prevent the presence of rodents and insects and to facilitate cleaning.
La pintura al aceite se ha secado y los colores son espléndidos.
The oil paint has dried and the colours are glorious.
Los ceniceros estaban llenos y había rastros de polvo, líquidos derramados y manchas de pintura al aceite por todas partes.
The ashtrays were full, and there were traces of dust, spills and stains of oil paints everywhere.
Anoche, cuando él, insensible, subió a acostarse, la había visto ocupada, empleando una pintura al aceite que cuesta un chelín y tres peniques el tubo, mezclada en un plato con trementina.
Tonight when he callously went up to bed he had seen her at work, using an oil paint which cost one and threepence the tube and was thinned with turpentine in a dish.
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