Traduzione per "opiniones divergentes" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Durante el debate se expresaron opiniones divergentes sobre el contenido y la estructura del programa.
During the discussion, divergent opinions were expressed on the content and structure of the programme.
A este respecto se expresaron opiniones divergentes.
Diverging opinions were expressed on that question.
Hubo opiniones divergentes acerca de la necesidad de instituciones nuevas.
There were divergent opinions on the need for new institutions.
Como se sabe, hay opiniones divergentes en cuanto a la forma en que debería abordarse.
As everyone knew, there were diverging opinions on the manner in which the question should be approached.
Existen, no obstante, opiniones divergentes a este respecto.
There remain, however, divergent opinions on this subject.
de expresión de opiniones divergentes 66 - 75 17
of expression of divergent opinions 66 - 75 16
Las delegaciones manifestaron opiniones divergentes sobre el orden de prioridades de la asignación de recursos.
Delegations expressed divergent opinions on the prioritization of resource allocations.
En segundo lugar, hemos tomado nota de las opiniones divergentes que existen sobre las recomendaciones.
Secondly, we have noted the divergent opinions on the recommendations.
Vale, ¿pero la universidad no se supone que es un lugar donde opiniones divergentes pueden encontrarse sin miedo a las represalias, con total libertad?
Okay, but isn't college supposed to be a place where divergent opinions can clash without fear of reprisal, with impunity?
Hubo opiniones divergentes, sobre todo la de Walter Folk, quien temía que, ante el alto jefe, los barbadenses se retractaran de lo dicho.
There were divergent opinions, especially from Walter Folk, who feared that before the high-level official, the Barbadians would retract what they had said.
A este respecto hubo opiniones divergentes.
Divergent views were expressed in this connection.
Hay opiniones divergentes sobre la magnitud de ese incremento.
There are divergent views on the extent of the increase.
46. Se expresaron opiniones divergentes.
Diverging views were expressed.
Es preciso conciliar esas opiniones divergentes.
There is a need to reconcile these divergent views.
Más que una mera amistad, su relación se convertiría en una interrelación intelectual que se inició con opiniones divergentes sobre la mecánica cuántica, pero que luego se amplió a otras cuestiones relacionadas de la ciencia, el conocimiento y la filosofía.
More than just a friendship, their relationship became an intellectual entanglement that began with divergent views about quantum mechanics but then expanded into related issues of science, knowledge, and philosophy.
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