Traduzione per "ojo de vidrio" a inglese
Ojo de vidrio
Esempi di traduzione.
El ojo de vidrio era verde.
His glass eye was green.
Lo que aterraba a Marcia era el ojo de vidrio.
It was the glass eye that terrified Marcia.
    De pie en el patio con un ojo de vidrio;
Standing in the courtyard with a glass eye;
—El del ojo de vidrio —dijo Delia.
"The one with the glass eye," said Delia.
—Sigo pensando en ese ojo de vidrio que me observa.
I keep thinking of that glass eye watching me.
El ojo de vidrio parecía más humano que el vivo.
The glass eye looked more human than the live one.
—preguntó Silk, el sol reflejándose en su ojo de vidrio. —No.
Silk asked, the sunlight reflecting on his glass eye. “No.”
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