Traduzione per "o encontrado" a inglese
O encontrado
Esempi di traduzione.
:: Bienes no encontrados.
:: Not found property.
Encontrado en la calle
Found in street
Discrepancias encontradas en otras partes
Found elsewhere
Número de personas encontradas
found persons Number of
No se ha encontrado a nadie vivo.
Nobody was found alive.
No encontrados todavía
Not found yet
Tan pronto como llegamos al campo, comenzó a saltar como si hubiese olfateado algo o encontrado algo que siempre había buscado.
As soon as we hit the open countryside, he starts jumping up and down like he picked up a scent or found something he'd always been looking for.
Y ni siquiera todos los diamantes en forma de lágrima de este mundo,... perdidos o encontrados, pueden hacerlo por ti.
And not all the teardrop diamonds of this world, lost or found, can arrange that for you.
No para de decir que tiene novedades, pero apuesto que habrá escrito una entrada de blog o encontrado un perrito caliente muy bueno o algo.
She keeps saying she has news, but I bet, like, she wrote a blog post or found a really good hot dog or something.
Repetimos, estamos ansiosos por hablar con cualquiera que haya visto a Mónica Stephens esa noche, o con cualquiera que haya visto o encontrado sus alhajas.
To repeat, we're anxious to speak to anyone who saw Monica Stephens that evening or to anyone who has seen or found this jewellery.
Como una clase de mascota, que has aguantado o... encontrado divertida... o mona o leal u obediente o...
Like some kind of puppy, that you tolerated or... or... found amusing... or cute or... loyal or obedient or...
O encontrado sus libros, que nos anuncian que va a entregar un cargamento enorme de risa de cerdo esta noche.
Or found his books, which tell us there's a huge giggle pig shipment coming in tonight.
Si hubieras conservado tu casita o encontrado otra cuando Cecil te dejó al menos habrías hecho nuevas amistades.
If you'd kept your little house or found another place when Cecil left you you'd have made some new friends at least.
—¡Ya la he encontrado! La he encontrado, la he encontrado, la he encontrado resuena por el pasadizo.
“I found her!” Found her, found her, found her, echoes away.
(le has encontrado le has encontrado y has encontrado el guante dámelo)
(you found him you found him and you found the glove give it to me)
Lo has encontrado, ¿no? ¯He encontrado... algo.
“You found it, didn’t you?” “I found … something.
He encontrado su casa, le he encontrado a usted.
I found you, found this place.
La han encontrado, Bobby, la han encontrado.
They've found her, Bobby. They've found her."
¡La habían encontrado! ¡Habían encontrado la Espada de Shannara!
They had found it. They had found the Sword of Shannara!
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