Traduzione per "no defender" a inglese
No defender
  • not defend
Esempi di traduzione.
not defend
a) Defender Seychelles;
to defend Seychelles;
a) Servir y defender a la Patria;
(a) To serve and defend the country;
a) defender la soberanía nacional;
(a) To defend national sovereignty;
- A defender los derechos de sus miembros;
- To defend the rights of their members;
a) Defender la paz y la seguridad;
a. Defend peace and security;
F. Defender a las mujeres, defender los derechos 10 - 11 7
F. Defending women, defending rights 10 - 11 6
:: Defender los derechos de las mujeres;
:: To defend the rights of women;
Defender a la naturaleza es defender a los hombres.
To defend nature is to defend humankind.
F. Defender a las mujeres, defender los derechos
F. Defending women, defending rights
No defenderé a Winston, Kate.
I'm not defending Winston, Kate.
¿No defenderá a Leonard personalmente?
- You will not defend Leonard?
¡Inmediatamente! Yo no defender judíos, Anne-Marie.
I did not defend jewish, Anne Marie.
No defenderé la casa veraniega de Pablo Escobar.
I'm not defending Pablo Escobar's summer home.
¿No defenderâs Jerusalén?
You will not defend Jerusalem?
Y no defender a su hijo... le hace sentir un mal padre.
And not defending your son... ..makes you feel like a bad father.
No defenderás a tu novia por haber matado a un hombre.
You will not defend your girlfriend for killing a man.
Quien entre al Ejército ahora no defenderá a Estados Unidos.
If you join the military now, you are not defending the United States of America.
No defenderá la ciudad con mucha intención, pero necesita aparentar que lucha antes de rendirse.
He will not defend the town purposefully but needs to make a show of a fight before he surrenders.
Defender al pueblo o defender al acusado.
Defend the people or defend the accused.
“O defender contra qué,”
“Or to defend against,”
¿Qué hay que defender?
What is there to defend?
Para defender a esos.
To defend those people.
–¿Y para defender Dumnonia?
‘And to defend Dumnonia?’
«yo» me defenderé a «mí mismo».
will defend “myself.”
—A defender a Salitrán.
- To defend Salitran.
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