Traduzione per "mortificarse" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Mujeres que habían perdido a sus hijos fueron acercándose poco a poco, para mortificarse con las posibilidades y los imposibles.
Women who had lost their children drifted over little by little, to mortify themselves with possibilities and never-would-bes.
Decía una y otra vez que no debía comer más pero tu madre le insistía y replicaba que ya tendría tiempo de mortificarse.
She kept saying that she ought not to eat any more but your mother pressed her and said she could mortify herself another time.
Cuando Sonia se casó por segunda vez, no dejaba de preguntarme si no se habría metido en alguna secta religiosa secreta y misteriosa, si no estaría empeñada en mortificarse deliberadamente para sondear los arcanos de su espíritu.
I used to wonder, when Sonia married for the second time, if perhaps she were involved in a secret and mysterious religious rite: if she had not deliberately set out to mortify herself, so as to sound to the depths her spiritual being.
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