Traduzione per "menos evidente" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
No obstante, la igualdad de acceso de las mujeres a cargos directivos es mucho menos evidente.
Much less obvious for women is equal access to positions in the top levels of hierarchy, however.
La ocupación tiene también otras consecuencias que son menos evidentes para el ocupante.
The occupation also has other, less obvious, consequences for the occupier.
Ha sido menos evidente el efecto de la inclusión de entidades que no poseen personalidad jurídica.
66. The impact of listing unincorporated entities has been less obvious.
Pero hay también otras interacciones menos evidentes.
There are also less obvious linkages.
Sin embargo, las diferencias cuantitativas son menos evidentes.
However, quantitative differences are less obvious.
65. En los últimos decenios el efecto del crecimiento del bienestar de la mujer es menos evidente.
65. The impact of growth on women's well-being in recent decades is less obvious.
La segunda vertiente de la relación, aunque menos evidente, es sin embargo más significativa a largo plazo.
31. The second relationship is less obvious but more significant in the long run.
Con ello se refuerza la sensibilización de los agentes de la Policía Federal para que puedan reconocer la discriminación y los prejuicios que son menos evidentes.
This reinforces the awareness of Federal Police officers in the recognition of less obvious discrimination and prejudices.
Los equilibrios son más complejos y menos evidentes y los riesgos y amenazas se han diversificado.
The states of equilibrium are more complex and less obvious, and the risks and threats have diversified.
Pero hay muchos otros que son menos evidentes.
But there are many others that are less obvious.
¿No podrías intentar ser un poco menos evidente?
Couldn't you try to be a little less obvious?
Uno de faena sería mucho menos evidente.
Fatigues would be a lot less obvious.
La relación se vuelve menos evidente, ... Y sin embargo más rápida.
The relationship becomes less obvious, ...and yet more rapid.
Como se puede ver aquí y en este falso y como ves ... el punto es menos evidente ... en el billete falso.
As you can see here and on this fake one and as you see... it is the less obvious point... if it comes to faking a note.
Parece mentira, pero cuando hablas así tus evidentes defectos parecen menos evidentes.
It's crazy, but when you talk this way your obvious deficiencies seem less obvious.
O podía tratarse de algo menos evidente.
Or it could be something less obvious.
Era una pregunta indirecta, pero no menos evidente.
The question was unstated, but no less obvious for that.
No, Silencio necesitaba algo menos evidente.
No, she needed something less obvious.
Menos evidente era el origen de este desafecto.
What was less obvious was the source of this disaffection.
Intentará algo menos evidente.
"He's more apt to try something less obvious.
—Ve a verla a lugares menos evidentes.
    “ See her in less obvious places.
En éste, el destino estaba mucho más lejos y era menos evidente.
Here the destination was much farther away and less obvious.
Estamos intentando encontrar alguna hipótesis algo menos evidente.
We’re trying to come up with something less obvious.”
Eso da un poco de movimiento, hace menos evidente la congelación.
It gives a little movement, makes the freeze less obvious.
Ruby: Ponte una contraseña menos evidente, «Amapola».
Ruby: Well, get a less obvious password, “Buttercup.”
Las dificultades para conciliar los roles familiar y profesional - señalados en el informe anterior - eran menos evidentes esta vez.
The difficulties with reconciling family and professional roles - noted in the previous report - were less evident this time.
Mientras que la superposición es común en el sistema, la duplicación es mucho menos evidente.
While overlap is common within the system, duplication is much less evident.
22. En lo tocante a los programas de socorro y rehabilitación, los logros del proceso eran menos evidentes.
22. With regard to relief and rehabilitation programmes, the accomplishments of the process were less evident.
Pero el análisis de los riesgos dentro de la organización es mucho menos evidente.
But the consideration of risks within the organization is much less evident.
Por consiguiente, aunque en la superficie el fenómeno parece menos evidente, hay otras formas graves de explotación que se difunden.
So while on the surface the phenomenon appeared less evident, other serious forms of exploitation were widespread.
También se observó que dichos estereotipos eran menos evidentes en los medios académicos.
It was also observed that gender stereotyping was less evident in academic setting.
Parece ser que los adelantos son menos evidentes y dependen sobre todo del grado de apoyo externo.
Progress appears to be less evident and depends mainly on the degree of external support.
Sin embargo, otras esferas donde la integración del género era menos evidente anteriormente mostraron avances.
However, other areas where gender integration has been less evident in the past showed progress.
Retrospectivamente, es evidente que eran deficientes en la esfera crucial de creación de instituciones, una necesidad que entonces fue menos evidente.
In hindsight, it is evident that they were lacking in the vital sphere of institution-building, a need which was then less evident.
Y de repente hacer algo hace que el lugar menos evidente.
And suddenly do something makes the place less evident.
"Y parece no menos evidente que las varias sensaciones e ideas impresas en los sentidos, aun cuando se presenten mezcladas o combinadas no pueden existir si no es en una mente que las perciba."
'And it seems no less evident that the various sensations or ideas ... imprinted on the senses, even if have mixed or combined ... can not exist except in mind that a notice. '
Este rasgo, en cambio, iba haciéndose menos evidente.
This trait was now becoming less evident.
Para sus sentidos, su corrupción era menos evidente que su muerte.
His corruption was less evident to his sense than his death.
Lo ocultó, haciéndolo menos evidente, y se irguió.
He twisted this out of the way, making it less evident, and straightened up.
No era que el comité no temiese a Tempest también por otras razones menos evidentes;
Not that the committee were not afraid of Tempest for other, less evident reasons;
Mi nariz no se veía precisamente recta, pero la antigua fractura era mucho menos evidente.
My nose was not precisely straight, but the long-ago break was far less evident.
Pero esos detalles y otros, mas o menos evidentes, no podía saberlos aún.
But those kinds of details and others, more or less evident, she still couldn’t have known.
Su chalfenista aplomo era menos evidente fuera del seno de su familia.
His Chalfenist confidence was always less evident when he strayed abroad, away from the bosom of his family.
La cocina presentaba daños menos evidentes: algunos tarros rotos, trocitos de pintura y yeso en el suelo.
There was less evident damage in the kitchen: some broken jars, some paint chips and plaster on the floor.
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