Traduzione per "materialmente" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
a) no sea materialmente imposible;
(a) is not materially impossible;
No puedes alterar materialmente un cuadro como ese.
Can't just materially alter a painting like that.
Es imposible materialmente.
It's impossible materially. "
Materialmente no afecta a la investigación.
It didn't materially affect the investigation.
Pero era materialmente imposible.
But it was materially impossible.
Estará bien materialmente.
She'll be fine materially.
Él dañó esta institución materialmente, no sólo moralmente.
He damaged this blessed institution materially, not only morally.
Tendrán que pagar el precio moral y materialmente.
They'll get to pay the price morally and materially.
Materialmente, querrás decir.
Materially, you mean.
No podemos probar que se beneficien materialmente.
We can't prove that they benefited materially.
Materialmente, aún tenía menos.
Materially, he had even less.
Los mundos que las albergan no sufren materialmente.
Host worlds don't suffer materially.
Y aquí Katrina le daba apoyo, materialmente.
And here Katrina gave him support, materially.
Materialmente, el cerebro está zumbando de alguna manera complicada.
Materially, your brain is buzzing in some complicated way.
Sería como un fantasma en el universo, materialmente inidentificable en la corriente del tiempo.
I would be like a ghost in the universe, materially unverifiable in the stream of time.
No dudo de que tu trabajo en el campo incrementará materialmente la viña.
And I have no doubt that by your labours in the field you will materially increase the vineyard’s crop.
¿No lo explotaré, materialmente, todo lo que pueda, puesto que no me cabe aspirar a nada más?
Won’t I exploit him, materially, for all I can get, since I’ve nothing else to look forward to?’
Como resultado, los holandeses no solo prosperaron materialmente, sino que se convirtieron en líderes mundiales.
As a result, the Dutch not only prospered materially but became world leaders.
Su contribución no era materialmente importante, porque yo me había enriquecido gracias a mi colaboración con Papa.
Her contribution wasn’t materially important, because I’d become wealthy through my association with Papa.
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