Traduzione per "lloviendo a cántaros" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Está lloviendo a cántaros, y a estas horas las calles están prácticamente desiertas.
It's raining heavily outside, and at this hour the streets are practically empty.
En la calle hacía calor pero había estado lloviendo a cántaros y en el local reinaba un olor canino a vaqueros y a pelo húmedos.
It was warm outside but it had been raining heavily and the place had a canine smell of damp jeans and hair.
además, estaba lloviendo a cántaros y aunque hubiera preferido dejar allí a Zander e ir andando a esa dirección, me apresuré a salir y arranqué el coche de nuevo.
besides, it was still raining heavily and much as I would have preferred to leave Zander behind while I walked to the address, I hurried back outside and started the car again.
–Mamá dice que está lloviendo a cántaros allá –anunció–.
"My mother says it's raining cats and dogs there," she announced.
Ella tomó su taxi cerca de las ocho, cuando estaba lloviendo a cántaros.
She flagged him down. This was close to eight, it was raining cats and dogs.
-dijo Seminario-. ¿De qué lo compadecía a usted? Estaba lloviendo a cántaros, y él aquí uno ya no es humano, no había mujeres ni cine, si se quedaba dormido en el monte a uno le crecía un árbol en la barriga, era costeño, que se metieran la selva donde no le diera el sol, se la regalaba, no aguantaba más y sacó el revólver, dio dos vueltas al tambor y se disparó en la cabeza, el Pesado decía no tiene balas, es truco, pero tenía, a él le constaba: el sargento se golpeó el pecho de nuevo.
Seminario asked. The thing that happened to you?” It was raining cats and dogs, and he it’s impossible to live like a human here, no women, no movies, if you fell asleep in the woods a tree would grow out of your belly, he was from the coast, they should stick the jungle someplace where the sun didn’t shine, they could have it, he couldn’t take it any more, and he drew his revolver, he spun the chamber twice, and holding it against his head, he pulled the trigger, Fats said that there weren’t any bullets in it, that’s a lie, there were and he knew it: the Sergeant pounded his chest again.
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