Traduzione per "las chicas eran" a inglese
Las chicas eran
  • the girls were
Esempi di traduzione.
the girls were
También había niños, chicos y chicas, asociados a las milicias partidarias del Gobierno.
93. Children, both boys and girls, were also associated with pro-Government militias.
14. El Sr. RAM (Visión Mundial Internacional) señala que, según los estudios realizados en Uganda, las chicas se ven más afectadas que los chicos por la pandemia del SIDA y sus efectos.
14. Mr. RAM (World Vision International) said that, according to research carried out in Uganda, girls were more affected than boys by the AIDS pandemic and its effects.
El problema no sólo radica en la educación, sino también en los papeles desempeñados en la familia; a los chicos y las chicas se les motiva para que sigan caminos diferentes.
The challenge lay not only in education but also in family roles; boys and girls were motivated to follow different paths.
Jóvenes, chicos y chicas son arrastrados a esta industria, que los trata como simples objetos.
Young people, both boys and girls, were lured into that industry, in which they were treated as mere objects.
Pero los sollozos de las chicas eran reales.
But the cries of the girls were real.
Lo investigaré, veamos si las chicas eran amigas.
I'll look into it, see if the girls were friends.
Todas las chicas eran demasiado grandes.
All the girls were too big.
Las chicas eran dolores reales.
The girls were real pains.
Y las chicas eran muy bonitas.
And the girls were very pretty.
- ¡Las chicas eran la bomba!
- The girls were hot!
Las chicas eran adultas y deseaban irse.
'The girls were grown and they wished to be gone.'
Las chicas eran voluntarias.
The girls were volunteers.
Las chicas fueron tan rápidas como los chicos.
The girls were as quick to reach as the boys.
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