Traduzione per "irredentistas" a inglese
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Como afirmó el Presidente de la República de Albania en su declaración de hoy, Albania continuará alimentando y apoyando las aspiraciones irredentistas de la población de origen albanés en otros países.
As indicated in the statement of the President of the Republic of Albania today, Albania will continue to feed and support the irredentist aspirations of ethnic Albanians in other countries.
El carácter irredentista de la política exterior de Grecia se manifiesta en más de una forma.
The irredentist nature of the Greek foreign policy manifests itself in more than one way.
En la práctica internacional se demuestra que las reclamaciones irredentistas, que suelen fundarse en la proximidad étnica de la madre patria con los habitantes del territorio reclamado, carecen de fundamento jurídico.
International practice demonstrates that there is no legal foundation to irredentist claims, which all too often are based on the ethnic affinity between the population of a parent country and the inhabitants of a territory which has separated from it.
Con frecuencia, los defensores de la libre determinación son desacreditados como radicales o irredentistas.
Frequently, advocates of self-determination are discredited as radicals or irredentists.
No debemos permitir que tendencias irredentistas y hegemónicas plaguen nuestro futuro.
We should not let irredentist, hegemonic tendencies plague our future.
El Primer Ministro advirtió que una entrada en masa de refugiados a las zonas autónomas crearía una “presión irredentista” sobre Israel.
He warned that a massive influx of refugees to the autonomous areas would cause “irredentist pressure” on Israel.
La historia reciente demuestra claramente, quién manipuló, y sigue manipulando, a qué comunidad en Chipre para sus propios fines irredentistas.
Recent history clearly shows who manipulated, and continues to manipulate, which community in Cyprus for its own irredentist aims.
Desgraciadamente, parece que Grecia sigue abrigando sus antiguas aspiraciones irredentistas.
Unfortunately, it appears that Greece still continues to stand by its past irredentist aspirations.
Los dirigentes grecochipriotas servirían mejor a sus propios intereses y a los ajenos si reconocieran que la mayor parte de los males que han recaído sobre la isla son el resultado directo de su mentalidad irredentista.
Greek Cypriot leaders would serve their interests, and those of others well, if they would bring themselves to acknowledge the fact that most of the ills that have befallen the island have been a direct result of their irredentist mentality.
Los actos y las declaraciones de provocación con connotaciones irredentistas son incompatibles con los principios de las Naciones Unidas y los valores comunes europeos.
Provocative acts and statements with irredentist connotations are incompatible with United Nations principles and common European values.
(Esta supuesta «alianza» es el fundamento de una reivindicación irredentista de Palestina que nos ha reportado infinitos problemas hasta el día de hoy.)
is the basis for a nineteenth-century irredentist claim to Palestine that has brought us endless trouble up to the present day.)
La historia y el pensamiento políticos, un entresijo de conjuras y contraconjuras, imperialismo irredentista, paneslavismo, lo que decía Lenin, las revelaciones de Marx.
Political history and thought, a Crosshatch of plots and counterplots, irredentist imperialism, Pan-Slavism, the sayings of Lenin, the revelations of Marx.
Los irredentistas serbios y croatas que realizaron la limpieza lucharon abiertamente bajo las banderas de sus respectivas iglesias, ortodoxa cristiana y católica romana, y a menudo fueron bendecidos por sacerdotes y prelados.
Serbian and Croatian irredentists and cleansers openly fought under the banners of their respective Christian Orthodox and Roman Catholic faiths and were often blessed by priests and prelates.
El nombre quería ser una referencia a las ciudades-Estado del Renacimiento sudeuropeo (Dubrovnik o Venecia), así como a la consigna «Kosovo republika» que pintaban en las paredes los «irredentistas» que querían que Kosovo tuviese condición de república en el seno de la Yugoslavia federal;
The name was intended as an allusion to the Mediterranean Renaissance city-states—Dubrovnik or Venice—as well as to the slogan “Kosovo republika,” which had been sprayed on Kosovo walls by the “irredentists,” who demanded that Kosovo be given the status of a republic in the federal Yugoslavia;
When I was a child, the view among the city’s more vocal nationalists was that anyone who so much as used the name Constantinople was an undesirable alien with irredentist dreams of the day when the Greeks, who had been the city’s rst masters would return to chase away the Turks, who had occupied it for ve hundred years—or, at the very least, turn us into second-class citizens.
When I was a child, the view among the city’s more vocal nationalists was that anyone who so much as used the name Constantinople was an undesirable alien with irredentist dreams of the day when the Greeks, who had been the city’s first masters would return to chase away the Turks, who had occupied it for five hundred years—or, at the very least, turn us into second-class citizens.
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