Traduzione per "implantaron" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Tampoco está claro cuál fue su destino, pero al parecer algunos se infiltraron a Bohemia y Moravia, mientras que otros se implantaron en Polonia occidental con los alemanes trasladados de los países del Báltico.
Their destination is also obscure, but some reportedly infiltrated into Bohemia and Moravia, while others were implanted in western Poland with German transferees from the Baltics.
Los pobladores de más de 300 aldeas fueron expulsados y, posteriormente, se implantaron colonos que se apropiaron de sus casas y sus tierras.
Over 300 villages had been emptied of their inhabitants, whose homes and lands had subsequently been appropriated by implanted sellers.
Ayer le implantaron microsensores.
He was implanted with microsensors yesterday.
Los chips se implantaron allí.
The chips were implanted there.
Nos implantaron con esas cosas.
They implanted us with those things.
Te implantaron un microchip RFID.
You were implanted with a RFID microchip.
No, te implantaron un clon.
No, you were implanted with a clone.
- No, me implantaron los embriones.
-No, they implanted embryos.
Le implantaron nuestro embrión.
She was implanted with our embryo.
- Sí, los implantaron.
Yeah, I'm implanted.
– Borraron tu identidad e implantaron una nueva.
They erased your identity and implanted a new one.
–Y le implantaron una cápsula esteroide, señor presidente.
            "And implanted a steroid capsule, Mr. President.
Te lo implantaron recién salido del cascarón. No puede crecer.
It was implanted in you when it was fresh-hatched. It cannot grow.
Se implantaron en la arena y se convirtieron en árboles que festonearon las playas.
They implanted themselves in the sand and grew into trees and lined the beaches.
Implantaron electrodos finos como un cabello, de unos pocos milivoltios o…
They implant electrodes — hair-thin, just a few millivolts or —
Le abrieron el tórax y le implantaron electrodos en el corazón y en el cerebro.
His chest was laid open, electrodes implanted in the heart and the brain.
Me implantaron más de sesenta secciones de fibra nerviosa y ganglios artificiales.
They implanted more than sixty sections of artificial nerve fibre and ganglions.
E implantaron en nuestro cerebro ese artilugio telepático para que pudiéramos hablar con Nave, y eso fue lo más fastidioso.
And they implanted that telepathic dingus in our brains so we could talk with Ship, and that was the most bothersome of all.
A mí también me implantaron un dispositivo de bloqueo para que no pudiera utilizar mi don lunar por accidente cuando era niña.
I had one implanted too, so I wouldn’t accidentally use my Lunar gift when I was growing up.
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